Alfred University News

Alfred University alumna honored by U.S. Department of Energy

Alfred University alumna Fabienne (Raszewski) Johnson is a recipient of the Achievement Award from the U.S. Department of Energy. Each year, the U.S. Secretary of Energy presents Achievement Awards to a group or team of Department of Energy employees and/or contractors who together have accomplished significant achievements on behalf of the Department.

Johnson earned three degrees from Alfred University: a bachelor’s degree in ceramic engineering in 2003; a master’s degree in glass science in 2004; and a PhD in glass science in 2007. She is a principal investigator at the Savannah River National Laboratory in Aiken, SC, where she leads a team focused on glass waste form development for the Defense Waste Processing Facility, which is currently the only operating high-level radioactive waste vitrification plant in the United States.

The Secretary of Energy Achievement Award was presented to the Accelerated Basin De-Inventory (ABD) Team. The team is an interdisciplinary group of experts focused on the accelerated disposition of spent nuclear fuel at the Savannah River Site.

The ABD Team was one of eight teams in the DOE’s Office of Environmental Management to receive an Achievement Award for 2023. The awards represent the Department of Energy’s highest form of employee recognition for excellence and achievements that support the Department’s mission.